A 6 hour day to brainstorm, edit and co-create!

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This is a live 6 hour consulting 1:1 intensive and you’ll be sent the replay, PDF, & supportive documents, for your records!

Come collaborate with a BG5 brand expert on your BRAND, nailing the pillars of:

  • Your expertise: What is the gap in the market you fill?
  • BRAND positioning: How do we position you within the market?
  • Your "elevator pitch"!: We leverage aspects such as your type, profile (public role), & channels to nail this using the words of your unique design!
  • The Vision, Values, & Mission: Using specific aspects of your design as well as the information you fill out in your intake form.
  • The Skills: Business skills & how you leverage them to serve your niche.  This is also how you differentiate yourself.
  • The Message: What is the message your BRAND delivers? Here we put it into words.
  • The Customer: Who you are meant to serve & how you specifically solve their problems!
  • The Unfair Advantage: How your BRAND stands out from competition (I will also do research on your competition to prepare this portion of the report).
  • The Archetype & Essence: We will nail your BRAND Archetype & how this creates the image/ tone of your BRAND.  This includes colours & text.
  • The Pillars: What are the content pillars driving your BRAND forward & creating omnipresence? Let's nail them so that your BRAND can do the heavy lifting for you!
  • Product Pathway: What is a simple product pathway that is scalable while solving problems for the right, relevant audience.
  • Selling: We are designed to sell through our openness.  Leave with a marketing plan based on your openness.
  • Launch Schedule: Leave with a plan for the next year on launches. *This does not include the launch strategy.*

PLEASE NOTE:  Your willingness to make decisive decisions & move fast through the day dictates how far through the above we get.  This day is BEST for those that are ready to make decisive decisions, move fast, & implement.  If you are wishy washy on niche for 4 hours we will never get through everything.


You walk away with a TANGIBLE, actionable, BRAND that you can implement immediately.


Why am I passionate about this?

One of the things I have noticed helping hundreds of entrepreneurs in the online space is that people are investing a lot of time & money into their education....

But then not knowing how to *package* it in a way that stands out & speaks to the right people!

Take the guesswork out of branding here.

Let's turn your genius into a BRAND that gets you paid!




BRAND Intensive with BG5 BRAND Specialist, Ashley Briana Eve

You bring your ideas & vision - I’ll bring the words & strategy....


To create a BRAND that finally feels like home *and* gets you paid by the right people.

Who this is for:

  • This offer is perfect for new entrepreneurs with a driven growth mindset who are ready to hit the ground running to bring their vision to life!
  • It's perfect for established entrepreneurs who desire to refine & simplify their BRAND for more impact without more work (simple scales!).
  • It's perfect if you are burned out from being on the hamster wheel & are ready to bring structure to your BRAND in a way that is scalable.
  • This offer is perfectly for you if you have an established BRAND & desire to align it with your BG5 (Human Design) Success Codes.

Think of me as your BRAND BFF, an objective consultant to take your ideas & put it into scalable action! 



In this BRAND VIP day receive a 50+ page report, which will also be refined on the call, outlining the following:

  • The "How": How you are designed to serve others *and* how you are designed to sell.
  • The "Where": Where you find fulfillment & purpose.
  • The "What": What solution you are designed to provide within your niche.
  • The "When": Understanding the nuances of YOUR decision making strategy (inner authority) in relation to business.
  • The "Who": Specifically WHO (the archetype) you are meant to serve within your business.
  • The "Why": Why you do what you do.

When many people think of making money by design they just think of selling.  In your Profit Potential Analysis we cover Powerful Positioning as well as Selling through your openness!



Using BG5 we will nail the following as part of your creative brief, which you can then apply to your own BRAND or hand off to your team!

  • The "elevator pitch"!: We leverage aspects such as your type, profile (public role), & channels to nail this using the words of your unique design!
  • The Vision, Values, & Mission: Using specific aspects of your design as well as the information you fill out in your intake form.
  • The Skills: Business skills & how you leverage them to serve your niche.
  • The Message: What is the message your BRAND delivers? Here we put it into words.
  • The Customer: Who you are meant to serve & how you specifically solve their problems!
  • The Unfair Advantage: How your BRAND stands out from competition (I will also do research on your competition to prepare this portion of the report).
  • The Archetype & Essence: We will nail your BRAND Archetype & how this creates the image/ tone of your BRAND.
  • The Pillars: What are the content pillars driving your BRAND forward & creating omnipresence? Let's nail them so that your BRAND can do the heavy lifting for you!

The BRAND VIP Day is your breakthrough waiting to happen.




How a BRAND VIP Day works:

  • You book your session and complete a creative form that outlines your brand, offers, vision, and current brand goals. I will then create a folder where you can upload any brand assets that will help me understand your current business and brand.  The more of an idea I can get of YOU, where you are, and where you want to go, the better I can serve you here!
  • Prior to our call I will review your client folder and do an audit of your current brand assets.  This includes your social media channels, website, sales pages, etc. 
  • I create your Profit Potential Report & your Website Creative Brief prior to our call.  If you are choosing "Go Rogue!" I will not be creating these, and will instead prepare appropriate documents based on the area you would like to focus on.
  • The VIP Day is ONE call at approx 6 hours (full day!).  We will have a "lunch" break half way through for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Following your sessions, you receive the recordings (highly valuable for transcribing) and your BRAND Documents that contains all of our creative work.

You’ll leave this VIP day with a clear vision of where you want to grow and *exactly* how you’re going to get there.


BG5 Brand Strategist & Word Nerd


Ashley is a world leading BG5 Brand Strategist, self taught copywriter,  accredited coach, and international speaker who specializes in helping industry rebels get paid for what they are best at with a brand that feels like THEM (because it is... you are the brand!).

Think of her as your branding & copywriting BFF!

Ashley provides fluff-free, practical, outcome-based coaching & consulting which is designed to help you solve or gain clarity on your brand challenges.  It is through her unique process that she helps you uncover what makes you THE Taylor Swift of your industry!

For over 15 years Ashley has been a serial multi 6- 7 figure entrepreneur mentoring with some of the best of the best.  From her first personal training studio, strong.ER, she took a particular interest in branding & learning how to create brands that reflect what you love & who you are.

This passion has helped turn anything Ashley touched to gold in the industry, including sponsorships for her eventing career with "Super Paint in Training", the brand she created for her horse Monty.  Receiving sponsorships for a horse not yet competing is completely unheard of, yet was the result of her knowledge of branding & marketing!

Now, for the past 6 years she has been helping others do the same.

 Ashley is a passionate animal advocate who is deeply involved in animal rescue work.  She lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband, 4 horses, 2 dogs, a bunnies.



Are you ready to get intentional
with your brand? Book your spot now!




  • Receive a private 6 hour call.
  • Your BRAND Documents, including the Profit Potential Analysis & the Creative Brief.  
  • Call recordings for your own records.
  • Note: There is no additional coaching/ support outside the calls or after the calls.  
  • There is extensive prep work for this call, before we even get on zoom.  Due to this all payments are final. Please come to the call READY, with questions, examples, content, etc to support our work together.
  • Note: This is a consulting offer, this is not coaching.  You walk away with tangible solutions that can be implemented immediately.  This is not an appropriate place to try & overcome "fears of selling/ showing up", etc.